3. The challenge

I walked towards her with a smirk and casually said, "Hi Anshika

I walked towards her with a smirk and casually said, "Hi Anshika."

"Hey, Rishi," she replied nonchalantly. There was a stiffness in her posture that betrayed the calmness she was trying so hard to maintain.

"Welcome back to India," I added, flashing her a friendly smile. Her eyes widened slightly. My unexpected friendliness had caught her off guard. I tightly closed my lips, suppressing the urge to let a grin spread across my face.

"BTW, when are you going back?" I asked, unable to resist needling her further. The reaction was immediate, "None of your business," she snapped, her words dripping with venom as her eyes bore into mine with a piercing intensity.

I wanted to annoy her further, but then my mom's chastising voice stopped me. "Shut up, Rishi," she reprimanded. She stared at me. I know she is disappointed with me, but I can't help it. The thrill of getting under this chimp's skin was too enticing to resist.

She intertwined her arm with my mother's, leaning her head on her shoulder. "Why did you bring him, Aunty? He always manages to annoy me and ruin my mood," she complained.

"Look at the little girl complaining. Mommy taught you better, princess," I taunted.

"Get lost, asshole," she scowled.

"Rishi, ENOUGH," came Dad's reprimanding voice. Anshika's smirk only widened at my father's intervention. Ignoring her smug expression, I made my way to the recliner couch, positioned parallel to where my parents were seated. As I sank into the comfy cushions, I could feel Dad's disapproving gaze upon me."

"Rishi Bhaiya, what about the interview?" Tripti perched on the armrest of the sofa where I was seated. "My friend has been pestering me to arrange a meeting with you."

"Tripti, don't trouble Rishi," Dharam Uncle chided. "You know he doesn't like giving interviews."

She frowned, giving me a disappointed look. 'Ask her to send an email,' I informed her. 'My assistant, Palki, will get back to her based on my schedule." I further added. Tripti loves me dearly and always takes my side, unlike my sister, who prioritises her best friend over her brother. I can't say no to her, and she knows it and uses it to her full advantage.

"Thank you, Bhaiya. You're the best. I owe you one," she chirped cheerfully.

"You always agree to whatever she asks for, but when I ask for something, you come up with 101 excuses." Reva frowned.

"It seems like someone's feeling jealous," Tripti smirked.

"Ignore the unwanted Reva. Come, let's go to my room. I'll show you the things I bought for you from the US," Anshika suggested, leading the way as my sister went along. It was a matter of minutes before Neel and Tripti followed behind. Meanwhile, I engaged in discussions with my father and Dharam Uncle regarding the new deal we had cracked.


Throughout the rest of the evening until dinner, Anshika and I avoided each other. During dinner, our fathers summoned us to the study room, indicating they had something important to discuss. I had a hunch about what it might be—most likely, they were going to lecture us on maintaining civility towards each other, a topic they had emphasised for years. How wrong I was!!

Upon entering the study, I found Anshika already engaged in conversation with our fathers. "Come sit," my dad said, gesturing to the seat next to her. Glancing at Anshika, I noticed her expression, which seemed unhappy.

Then, my dad dropped a bomb. "Anshika will be joining our construction company. She will be working with the architecture and interior design team," he announced, leaving me utterly stunned.

"Excuse me," I said, looking at him, hoping he'd reconsider the decision.

"Anshika wants to work in interior design." Dharam uncle began, but his daughter cut in.

"Dad, I want to start my own company. I don't want to work with him," she said, her voice tinged with displeasure and pleading.

"Why start another company when we already have one?" her dad asked.

"But it's his company. He started it," she pointed out, glancing at me.

"It's part of the M&S group," my dad clarified.

"Dad, I'm not taking her into my company," I declared firmly.

"Ours," my dad corrected.

"I'm the CEO," I reminded him, scoffing.

"This is not up for debate. The decision has been made, Anshika will join the company, and that's final.", My dad declared it firmly.

Dharam uncle nodded in agreement. "Your fathers have made a decision, and you both will adhere to it," he added, his tone leaving no room for argument.

With that, they exchanged a knowing look and exited the room, leaving Anshika and me to digest the decision.

I shot her a fierce glare, and she returned it with equal intensity. I was burning inside. I hate it when people interfere with my work. There is this unspoken rule. Don't mess with my company. M&S construction is mine. I built it from scratch. Sure, the M&S group provided support, but every success, every setback—it's all been part of my journey.

The grating sound of a chair being pushed back startled me out of my thoughts. "Wait!" I called as she got up and walked towards the door.

"Talk whatever you want to talk with your father," she cut me off curtly, her hand already on the door handle.

I couldn't let her go just yet. With two quick strides, I reached her, pulling her back into the room and locking the door behind us. Pressing her against the closed door, I gripped both her arms firmly. "When I'm speaking to you, you fucking need to open your ears and listen. Do not interrupt or walk away. Understand?"

She remained silent. I could sense a storm brewing within her. She was affecting me too, but in a different way. In spite of the anger and frustration I am feeling, her soft body pressed against mine, and her sweet, fruity perfume is blocking my senses. My body wants to touch her, taste her, and feel her. She wriggled to get free from my hold as she stared at me back. I quickly push aside my lustful thoughts. Releasing one hand from her arm, I firmly grasped her cheek, moving my thumb closer to her plump lips. "Understood?" I demanded, my voice sharp and commanding.

"Leave me, you bastard," she pushed me away, and I took a step back.

"Don't come close to me!" she screamed as she added some more distance between us.

"Do whatever you can, but you're not working for my company. I don't want you anywhere near it," I warned.

"It's not like I'm dying to work there, you moron. You heard them too; they dumped the decision on me," she shot back with frustration.

"Then leave! Go back to where you came from. Run away like you did years ago," I retorted, the bitterness evident in my tone.

Her face fell, hurt etched in her features. I could see tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to compose herself. "I'm not going back," she declared. "I want to stay with my people. You talk to your father or use your powers as the CEO. I don't want to work with you either. I want to start something on my own."

I let out a mocking laugh. "On your own? Do you really think you can do anything on your own? Are you daydreaming, baby?"

"Shut up!" she glared at me.

"Anshika, don't make the mistake of joining my company. I'll destroy your career before it even begins," I warned her strictly.

"Try!" she challenged, her gaze unwavering.

"You know what? You think too highly of yourself. You think you're some kind of god who can do anything to anyone. I'll soon change that," she declared defiantly.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" I mocked.

"For starters, how about pulling you down from the CEO chair?" she suggested, her voice dripping with determination.

I couldn't help but laugh—a genuine laugh this time. "Funny how you think you can actually do that. You're really living in  your own delusional world."

"Laugh as much as you want but do not forget that the hare thought it would never lose too," she countered.

"Oh, my darling, I'm not a hare. I'm a mix of all the things one would fear. A lion, a snake, for example," I taunted. "Take my suggestion: go back to the US. Get a job, marry a white guy or an NRI, and live there for the rest of your life."

"Or?" she countered, her eyes blazing with fire.

"Or, everyone will know what a loser Anshika Srivastav is!" I replied calmly.

"Let's see who destroys whom," she challenged.

"Cute," I said, pinching her cheek and pulling her close to me, holding her waist. She swatted my hand and pushed me away. Chuckling, I left the room, leaving behind a fuming Anshika.

I don't know why I do what I do when I am with her. In her presence, my composure crumbles, and I find myself acting like an immature teen. I lose my sanity because of the anger and it's also like she holds some mysterious power over me, rendering me powerless to resist the desire she evokes in me. On one hand, there's the burning desire of conquering her, watching her fail, and bending her to my will. On the other hand, paradoxically, I'm also consumed by a longing to surrender to her, to succumb to the intoxicating allure she exudes. I want to do wicked things to her while I fuck her. God! Please help me retain my sanity. Despite the chaos of my feelings and desires, she dared to challenge me, and nobody has ever emerged unscathed from the wrath of challenging Rishi Malhotra, and Anshika Srivastav is no exception. There is no choice but to be ruined.




Thanks For reading! see you in the next part.

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